SLASH Interviewed On 'Elliot In The Morning' (Audio)

May 22, 2012

Legendary guitarist Slash (VELVET REVOLVER, GUNS N' ROSES) was interviewed on yesterday morning's (Monday, May 21) episode of "Elliot In The Morning", a morning radio talk show hosted by DJ Elliot Segal. You can now listen to the chat below.

Slash's second solo album, "Apocalyptic Love", is being released on May 22 via his own label Dik Hayd International distributed through EMI.

In the U.K., "Apocalyptic Love" was released on May 21 in exclusive Classic Rock Fan Pack form — providing a unique collectable package containing the studio album with bonus tracks alongside a specially created magazine with unseen behind-the-scenes content put together by Classic Rock. The Fan Pack format also comes with free gifts, including a pin badge and artwork poster and is available to buy via more than 2000 retail outlets on newsstands nationally as well as the traditional high street and online music retailers. Roadrunner Records simultaneously released the record digitally. The standard physical release of the Slash album will follow through Roadrunner Records on June 18.

"Apocalyptic Love" track listing:

01. Apocalyptic Love
02. One Last Thrill
03. Standing In The Sun
04. You're A Lie
05. No More Heroes
06. Halo
07. We Will Roam
08. Anastasia
09. Not For Me
10. Bad Rain
11. Hard & Fast
12. Far And Away
13. Shots Fired

"You're A Lie", the new video from Slash, can be seen below. The clip was filmed in early April at Lot 28 at Universal Studios in California with director Anthony Leonardi III. Leonardi is also helming the first feature film produced by Slash, called "Nothing To Fear", which was recently picked up for distribution by Anchor Bay Entertainment. The movie is the first of a proposed series of horror films produced by Slash's company, called Slasher Films, which he launched last year in partnership with two other producers. The film began shooting in March in Louisiana, with Anne Heche and others confirmed for the cast.

"'You're A Lie' is the second song I brought to the band in 2011 during the last tour," explains Slash. "We worked on it at soundcheck somewhere, I can't remember where. It's gone through some minor changes along the way, mainly the chorus. But for the most part, it's remained true to its original arrangement. I can't wait to play this live."

Slash and his bandmates — Myles Kennedy (vocals),Brent Fitz (drums) and Todd Kerns (bassz) — are set to broadcast their live sold-out concert from Irving Plaza in New York City exclusively on the new Livestream. The full concert will air live on Tuesday, May 22 at 10:15 p.m. EDT at this location. Follow the page to be notified when the concert is about to go live.


"You're A Lie" video:

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